Thursday, March 3, 2011

An E-Mail Update.

Hello Everyone! 

The gap between now and when we leave is shortening!  I can feel the sunburn already!  However, there are a couple extra items we need clear up before we leave.  I’ll try to keep it short (lest you lose interest and stop reading, which sounds like something I would do).
Here’s the main points:
Blog: If your parents/loved ones want to keep up with what’s going on during the mission trip I have a blog setup that will be periodically updated during our time in Guatemala.  Pictures, stories, and general info will be displayed there.  As of right now you can get a preview of what the T-shirts will look like by the banner on the front page.  Go NOW and check it out:
Tee-Shirts: They have been ordered.  If you were unable to tell me your size, well… sorry about that.  I did a rough estimate of each person size and I order several extra, so hopefully if won’t be too uncomfortable.
Donate with your CREDIT CARD ONLINE:  If you’re still looking for more ways to raise funds, one easy method is to make a Facebook update asking for funds.  Direct them to our website where they can make a payment with their credit/debit card online.  Quick, easy, and less painful than chewing on sand.  Here’s a link:  (it’s at the bottom of the page).  Suddenly 900 Facebook friends becomes useful…
UPDATE PAPERWORK:  The Family groups have been updated YET AGAIN!  Take a look to see where you are. The only major changes are Ben Foote and Nathan McGee.  The flight itinerary has one simple change as well: On the return trip for Team Saber Tooth Tiger, the 9:45pm flight out of Salt Lake City is flight number 1304 (used to listed as 4829).  Thank you to the person who let me know of the error. 
Fundraising: Roughly we have about 57% of the funds we need for the trip sitting here at the office.  That means there’s still quite a bit floating around out there that many of you either haven’t turned in, or haven’t raised yet.  There’s just under 2 weeks left before we leave, get cooking on that fund raising!  Start calling those relatives!
Health Form and Passport Copy: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn these in if you haven’t already!  Fax in to (509) 242-1506.

Thank you all for your time!  Blessings upon you during this time of preparation and tests for school! See you all soon!

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